About the Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors (SIA)

Our vision is of a professional audit as a basis for quality assured decision-making.

The SIA is the government's expert authority in matters relating to auditors and auditing.

In brief, our mission involves:

  • securing nationwide access to qualified auditors, so ensuring that the world of trade and industry and the rest of society has access to auditors who are able to audit limited companies, banks, insurance companies, economic associations, foundations, authorities and other associations conducting financial activities, and
  • responsibility for ensuring the appropriate development of generally accepted auditing standards and professional ethics.

We work by:

  • providing an examination regime for auditors, as well as approving and authorising auditors and registering auditing firms, and
  • supervising qualified auditors and registered audit firms.

The SIA's activities help to maintain a high quality of auditing and professional ethical requirements, while also ensuring that investors, companies, institutions and other stakeholders have access to reliable economic and strategic information needed for proper financial management and sound strategic decision-making. The ultimate purpose of our oversight is to maintain trust and confidence in auditors and the work that they perform, as well as in the authorisation system.